Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tales of a time long forgotten

Tales of a time long forgotten

There was a time, so long ago, it seemed a fairytale
A time long ago, where men were men and women were women
A time spoken with awe, retold countless times, 
But alas... only whispers blown away

A time where men took up arms, without fear of death
Under one call, Under one religion, Under one leader, Under one God.
No countries divided, no borders drawn
Under one flag, under one purpose, Under one cry 'Allahu Akhbar'
They fought and died, proud, fearless martyrs

A time where the beauty of a woman was not in her smile,
Nor her hair, her eyes, her face, her hands, or how much of her body she showed.
But beauty was in the Hijab she wore, the obedience behind the Niqab that hid the very lips that utter praises of her God
Beauty in the way she walked, proud but humble, beautiful though nothing could be seen, eyes lowered in obedience not oppression

The wind whispers of stories long passed,
Of princes of Islam, during the time of Khalifas
Of princesses of Islam, during the time of obedience
Stories retold, stories revisited, stories passed down...
But still... they remain stories... 

True as they may be, heroic as they may be,
Romantic as they may be, they remain stories...
Stories of bygone history...
Alas... will we let it become a myth?

Look to your left, look to your right,
Quran as your guide, Islam as your purpose, Allah as your trusty
Look at the mirror, look within
Takwa, Tawakal, Deen, Iman, Islam... all in one

The beast long asleep, is starting to stir,
It casts of its slumber, it is ready to roar,
Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordon, Libya, Syria...
And the one forever fighting,
Mother of all, home to all, beloved of all... Palestine

Will we only be spectators?
Ignoring the vibration of faith in our hearts,
Rippling through our body and the world?
Or will we be one of the heroes and heroins of Islam?

(Souhayla NourJannah)

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